Chapter 2.5.1 – Arithmetic Operators | Introduction to Programming Using Java

Chapter 2.5.1 – Arithmetic Operators | Introduction to Programming Using Java


2.5.1 Arithmetic Operators


Arithmetic operators include addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. They are indicated by +, -, *, and /. These operations can be used on values of any numeric type: byte, short, int, long, float, or double. When the computer actually calculates one of these operations, the two values that it combines must be of the same type. If your program tells the computer to combine two values of different types, the computer will convert one of the values from one type to another.


arithmetic operators


For example, to compute 37.4 + 10, the computer will convert the integer 10 to a real number 10.0 and will then compute 37.4 + 10.0. This is called a type conversion. Ordinarily, you don’t have to worry about type conversion in expressions, because the computer does it automatically.

When two numerical values are combined (after doing type conversion on one of them, if necessary), the answer will be of the same type. If you multiply two ints, you get an int; if you multiply two doubles, you get a double. This is what you would expect, but you have to be very careful when you use the division operator /. When you divide two integers, the answer will always be an integer; if the quotient has a fractional part, it is discarded. For example, the value of 7/2 is 3, not 3.5.

If N is an integer variable, then N/100 is an integer, and 1/N is equal to zero for any N greater than one! This fact is a common source of programming errors. You can force the computer to compute a real number as the answer by making one of the operands real: For example, when the computer evaluates 1.0/N, it first converts N to a real number in order to match the type of 1.0, so you get a real number as the answer.


Chapter 2.5.1 - Arithmetic Operators | Introduction to Programming Using Java


Java also has an operator for computing the remainder when one integer is divided by another. This operator is indicated by %. If A and B are integers, then A % B represents the remainder when A is divided by B. (However, for negative operands, % is not quite the same as the usual mathematical “modulus” operator, since if one of A or B is negative, then the value of A % B will be negative.) For example, 7 % 2 is 1, while 34577 % 100 is 77, and 50 % 8 is 2.

A common use of % is to test whether a given integer is even or odd. N is even if N % 2 is zero, and it is odd if N % 2 is 1. More generally, you can check whether an integer N is evenly divisible by an integer M by checking whether N % M is zero.

Finally, you might need the unary minus operator, which takes the negative of a number.


Chapter 2.5.1 - Arithmetic Operators | Introduction to Programming Using Java


For example, -X has the same value as (-1)*X. For completeness, Java also has a unary plus operator, as in +X, even though it doesn’t really do anything.

By the way, recall that the + operator can also be used to concatenate a value of any type onto a String. This is another example of type conversion. In Java, any type can be automatically converted into type String.


Chapter 2.5.1 - Arithmetic Operators | Introduction to Programming Using Java




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