Chapter 2.6.2 – Command Line Environment | Introduction to Programming Using Java

Chapter 2.6.2 – Command Line Environment | Introduction to Programming Using Java


2.6.2 Command Line Environment


Many modern computer users find the command line environment to be pretty alien and unintuitive. It is certainly very different from the graphical user interfaces that most people are used to. However, it takes only a little practice to learn the basics of the command line environment and to become productive using it.

To use a command line programming environment, you will have to open a window where you can type in commands. In Windows, you can open such a command window by running the program named cmd.

One way to run cmd is to use the “Run Program” feature in the Start menu, and enter “cmd” as the name of the program. In Mac OS, you want to run the Terminal program, which can be be found in the Utilities folder inside the Applications folder. In Linux, there are several possibilities, including Konsole, gterm, and xterm.


Chapter 2.6.2 - Command Line Environment | Introduction to Programming Using Java


No matter what type of computer you are using, when you open a command window, it will display a prompt of some sort. Type in a command at the prompt and press return. The computer will carry out the command, displaying any output in the command window, and will then redisplay the prompt so that you can type another command. One of the central concepts in the command line environment is the current directory which contains the files to which commands that you type apply.

(The words “directory” and “folder” mean the same thing.) Often, the name of the current directory is part of the command prompt. You can get a list of the files in the current directory by typing in the command dir (on Windows) or ls (on Linux and Mac OS). When the window first opens, the current directory is your home directory, where all your files are stored.

You can change the current directory using the cd command with the name of the directory that you want to use. For example, to change into your Desktop directory, type in the command cd Desktop and press return.

You should create a directory (that is, a folder) to hold your Java work. For example, create a directory named javawork in your home directory. You can do this using your computer’s GUI; another way to do it is to open a command window and enter the command mkdir javawork. When you want to work on programming, open a command window and enter the command cd javawork to change into your work directory. Of course, you can have more than one working directory for your Java work; you can organize your files any way you like.

The most basic commands for using Java on the command line are javac and java; javac is used to compile Java source code, and java is used to run Java stand-alone applications. If a JDK is correctly installed on your computer, it should recognize these commands when you type them in on the command line.


Chapter 2.6.2 - Command Line Environment | Introduction to Programming Using Java


Try typing the commands java -version and javac -version which should tell you which version of Java is installed. If you get a message such as “Command not found,” then Java is not correctly installed. If the “java” command works, but “javac” does not, it means that a Java Runtime is installed rather than a Development Kit.

To test the javac command, place a copy of into your working directory. (If you downloaded the Web site of this book, you can find it in the directory named source; you can use your computer’s GUI to copy-and-paste this file into your working directory. Alternatively, you can navigate to on the book’s Web site and use the “Save As” command in your Web browser to save a copy of the file into your working directory.) Type the command:


This will compile and will create a bytecode file named TextIO.class in the same directory. Note that if the command succeeds, you will not get any response from the computer; it will just redisplay the command prompt to tell you it’s ready for another command.

To test the java command, copy sample program from this book’s source directory into your working directory. First, compile the program with the command


Remember that for this to succeed, TextIO must already be in the same directory. Then you can execute the program using the command java Interest2

Be careful to use just the name of the program, Interest2, not the name of the Java source code file or the name of the compiled class file. When you give this command, the program will run. You will be asked to enter some information, and you will respond by typing your answers into the command window, pressing return at the end of the line. When the program ends, you will see the command prompt, and you can enter another command.

You can follow the same procedure to run all of the examples in the early sections of this book. When you start work with applets, you will need a different command to execute the applets. That command will be introduced later in the book.


Chapter 2.6.2 - Command Line Environment | Introduction to Programming Using Java


To create your own programs, you will need a text editor. A text editor is a computer program that allows you to create and save documents that contain plain text. It is important that the documents be saved as plain text, that is without any special encoding or formatting information. Word processor documents are not appropriate, unless you can get your word processor to save as plain text. A good text editor can make programming a lot more pleasant.

Linux comes with several text editors. On Windows, you can use notepad in a pinch, but you will probably want something better. For Mac OS, you might download the free TextWrangler application. One possibility that will work on any platform is to use jedit, a good programmer’s text editor that is itself written in Java and that can be downloaded for free from

To create your own programs, you should open a command line window and cd into the working directory where you will store your source code files. Start up your text editor program, such as by double-clicking its icon or selecting it from a Start menu. Type your code into the editor window, or open an existing source code file that you want to modify. Save the file. Remember that the name of a Java source code file must end in “.java”, and the rest of the file name must match the name of the class that is defined in the file.

Once the file is saved in your working directory, go to the command window and use the javac command to compile it, as discussed above. If there are syntax errors in the code, they will be listed in the command window. Each error message contains the line number in the file where the computer found the error. Go back to the editor and try to fix the errors, save your changes, and they try the javac command again. (It’s usually a good idea to just work on the first few errors; sometimes fixing those will make other errors go away.)

Remember that when the javac command finally succeeds, you will get no message at all. Then you can use the java command to run your program, as described above. Once you’ve compiled the program, you can run it as many times as you like without recompiling it.


command line environment


That’s really all there is to it: Keep both editor and command-line window open. Edit, save, and compile until you have eliminated all the syntax errors. (Always remember to save the file before compiling it—the compiler only sees the saved file, not the version in the editor window.) When you run the program, you might find that it has semantic errors that cause it to run incorrectly. It that case, you have to go back to the edit/save/compile loop to try to find and fix the problem.





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