Chapter 2.6.3 – IDEs and Eclipse | Introduction to Programming Using Java

Chapter 2.6.3 – IDEs and Eclipse | Introduction to Programming Using Java


2.6.3 IDEs and Eclipse


In an Integrated Development Environment, everything you need to create, compile, and run programs is integrated into a single package, with a graphical user interface that will be familiar to most computer users.

There are many different IDEs for Java program development, ranging from fairly simple wrappers around the JDK to highly complex applications with a multitude of features. For a beginning programmer, there is a danger in using an IDE, since the difficulty of learning to use the IDE, on top of the difficulty of learning to program, can be overwhelming.

Recently, however, I have begun using one IDE, Eclipse, in my introductory programming courses. Eclipse has a variety of features that are very useful for a beginning programmer. And even though it has many advanced features, its design makes it possible to use Eclipse without understanding its full complexity.


Chapter 2.6.3 - IDEs and Eclipse | Introduction to Programming Using Java


It is likely that other modern IDEs have similar properties, but my only in-depth experience is with Eclipse. Eclipse is used by many professional programmers and is probably the most commonly used Java IDE. (In fact, Eclipse is actually a general development platform that can be used for other purposes besides Java development, but its most common use is Java.)

Eclipse is itself written in Java. It requires Java 1.4 (or higher) to run, so it works on any computer platform that supports Java 1.4, including Linux, Windows, and recent versions of Mac OS. If you want to use Eclipse to compile and run Java 5.0 programs, you need Eclipse version 3.1 (or higher).

Furthermore, Eclipse requires a JDK. You should make sure that JDK 5.0 (or higher) is installed on your computer, as described above, before you install Eclipse. Eclipse can be downloaded for free from

The first time you start Eclipse, you will be asked to specify a workspace, which is the directory where all your work will be stored. You can accept the default name, or provide one of your own. When startup is complete, the Eclipse window will be filled by a large “Welcome” screen that includes links to extensive documentation and tutorials. You can close this screen, by clicking the “X” next to the word “Welcome”; you can get back to it later by choosing “Welcome” from the “Help” menu.

The Eclipse GUI consists of one large window that is divided into several sections. Each section contains one or more views. If there are several views in one section, there there will be tabs at the top of the section to select the view that is displayed in that section. Each view displays a different type of information. The whole set of views is called a perspective. Eclipse uses different perspectives, that is different sets of views of different types of information, for different tasks.


Chapter 2.6.3 - IDEs and Eclipse | Introduction to Programming Using Java


The only perspective that you will need is the “Java Perspective.” Select the “Java Perspective” from the “Open Perspective” submenu of the “Window” menu. (You will only have to do this once, the first time you start Eclipse.) The Java perspective includes a large area in the center of the window where you will create and edit your Java programs. To the left of this is the Package Explorer view, which will contain a list of your Java projects and source code files.

To the right is an “Outline” view which shows an outline of the file that you are currently editing; I don’t find this very useful, and I suggest that you close the Outline view by clicking the “X” next to the word Outline.

Several other views that will be useful while you are compiling and running programs appear in a section of the window below the editing area. If you accidently close one of the important views, such as the Package Explorer, you can get it back by selecting it form the “Show View” submenu of the “Window” menu.

To do any work in Eclipse, you need a project. To start a Java project, go to the “New” submenu in the “File” menu, and select the “Project” command. In the window that pops up, make sure “Java Project” is selected, and click the “Next” button. In the next window, it should only be necessary to fill in a “Project Name” for the project and click the “Finish” button. The project should appear in the “Package Explorer” view.

Click on the small triangle next to the project name to see the contents of the project. At the beginning, it contains only the “JRE System Library”; this is the collection of standard built-in classes that come with Java.

To run the TextIO based examples from this textbook, you must add the source code file to your project. If you have downloaded the Web site of this book, you can find a copy of in the source directory. Alternatively, you can navigate to the file on-line and use the “Save As” command of your Web browser to save a copy of the file onto your computer. The easiest way to get TextIO into your project is to locate the source code file on your computer and drag the file icon onto the project name in the Eclipse window.

If that doesn’t work, you can try using copy-and-paste: Right-click the file icon (or control-click on Mac OS), select “Copy” from the pop-up menu, right-click the project name in the Eclipse window, and select “Paste”. If you also have trouble with that, you can try using the “Import” command in the “File” menu; select “File system” in the window that pops up, click “Next”, and provide the necessary information in the next window. (Unfortunately, using the file import window is rather complicated.

If you find that you have to use it, you should consult the Eclipse documentation about it.) In any case, TextIO should appear in your project, inside a package named “default package”. You will need to click the small triangle next to “default package” to see the file. Once a file is in this list, you can open it by double-clicking it; it will appear in the editing area of the Eclipse window.


Chapter 2.6.3 - IDEs and Eclipse | Introduction to Programming Using Java


To run any of the Java programs from this textbook, copy the source code file into your Eclipse Java project. To run the program, right-click the file name in the Package Explorer view (or control-click in Mac OS). In the menu that pops up, go to the “Run As” submenu, and select “Java Application”. The program will be executed. If the program writes to standard output, the output will appear in the “Console” view, under the editing area.

If the program uses TextIO for input, you will have to type the required input into the “Console” view—click the “Console” view before you start typing, so that the characters that you type will be sent to the correct part of the window. (Note that if you don’t like doing I/O in the “Console” view, you can use an alternative version of that opens a separate window for I/O. You can find this “GUI” version of TextIO in a directory named TextIO-GUI inside this textbook’s source directory.)

You can have more than one program in the same Eclipse project, or you can create additional projects to organize your work better. Remember to place a copy of in any project that requires it.

To create your own Java program, you must create a new Java class. To do this, right-click the Java project name in the “Project Explorer” view. Go to the “New” submenu of the popup menu, and select “Class”. In the window that opens, type in the name of the class, and click the “Finish” button. Note that you want the name of the class, not the name of the source code file, so don’t add “.java” at the end of the name. The class should appear inside the “default package,” and it should automatically open in the editing area so that you can start typing in your program.

Eclipse has several features that aid you as you type your code. It will underline any syntax error with a jagged red line, and in some cases will place an error marker in the left border of the edit window. If you hover the mouse cursor over the error marker, a description of the error will appear. Note that you do not have to get rid of every error immediately as you type; some errors will go away as you type in more of the program. If an error marker displays a small “light bulb,” Eclipse is offering to try to fix the error for you.

Click the light bulb to get a list of possible fixes, then double click the fix that you want to apply. For example, if you use an undeclared variable in your program, Eclipse will offer to declare it for you. You can actually use this error-correcting feature to get Eclipse to write certain types of code for you! Unfortunately, you’ll find that you won’t understand a lot of the proposed fixes until you learn more about the Java language.


Chapter 2.6.3 - IDEs and Eclipse | Introduction to Programming Using Java


Another nice Eclipse feature is code assist. Code assist can be invoked by typing ControlSpace. It will offer possible completions of whatever you are typing at the moment. For example, if you type part of an identifier and hit Control-Space, you will get a list of identifiers that start with the characters that you have typed; use the up and down arrow keys to select one of the items in the list, and press Return or Enter. (Or hit Escape to dismiss the list.) If there is only one possible completion when you hit Control-Space, it will be inserted automatically.

By default, Code Assist will also pop up automatically, after a short delay, when you type a period or certain other characters. For example, if you type “TextIO.” and pause for just a fraction of a second, you will get a list of all the subroutines in the TextIO class. Personally, I find this auto-activation annoying. You can disable it in the Eclipse Preferences. (Look under Java / Editor / Code Assist, and turn off the “Enable auto activation” option.) You can still call up Code Assist manually with Control-Space.

Once you have an error-free program, you can run it as described above, by right-clicking its name in the Package Explorer and using “Run As / Java Application”. If you find a problem when you run it, it’s very easy to go back to the editor, make changes, and run it again. Note that using Eclipse, there is no explicit “compile” command. The source code files in your project are automatically compiled, and are re-compiled whenever you modify them.

Although I have only talked about Eclipse here, if you are using a different IDE, you will probably find a lot of similarities. Most IDEs use the concept of a “project” to which you have to add your source code files, and most of them have menu commands for running a program. All of them, of course, come with built-in text editors.





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