Chapter 4.3.3 – Over loading | Introduction to Programming Using Java
4.3.3 Over loading
In order to call a subroutine legally, you need to know its name, you need to know how many formal parameters it has, and you need to know the type of each parameter. This information is called the subroutine’s signature. The signature of the subroutine doTask, used as an example above, can be expressed as as:
doTask(int,double,boolean). Note that the signature does not include the names of the parameters; in fact, if you just want to use the subroutine, you don’t even need to know what the formal parameter names are, so the names are not part of the interface.
Java is somewhat unusual in that it allows two different subroutines in the same class to have the same name, provided that their signatures are different. (The language C++ on which Java is based also has this feature.) When this happens, we say that the name of the subroutine is overloaded because it has several different meanings.
The computer doesn’t get the subroutines mixed up. It can tell which one you want to call by the number and types of the actual parameters that you provide in the subroutine call statement. You have already seen overloading used in the TextIO class. This class includes many different methods named putln, for example. These methods all have different signatures, such as:
The computer knows which of these subroutines you want to use based on the type of the actual parameter that you provide. TextIO.putln(17) calls the subroutine with signature putln(int), while TextIO.putln(“Hello”) calls the subroutine with signature putln(String). Of course all these different subroutines are semantically related, which is why it is acceptable programming style to use the same name for them all.
But as far as the computer is concerned, printing out an int is very different from printing out a String, which is different from printing out a boolean, and so forth—so that each of these operations requires a different method.
Note, by the way, that the signature does not include the subroutine’s return type. It is illegal to have two subroutines in the same class that have the same signature but that have different return types. For example, it would be a syntax error for a class to contain two methods defined as:
So it should be no surprise that in the TextIO class, the methods for reading different types are not all named getln(). In a given class, there can only be one routine that has the name getln and has no parameters. So, the input routines in TextIO are distinguished by having different names, such as getlnInt() and getlnDouble().
Java 5.0 introduced another complication: It is possible to have a single subroutine that takes a variable number of actual parameters. You have already used subroutines that do this—the formatted output routines System.out.printf and TextIO.putf. When you call these subroutines, the number of parameters in the subroutine call can be arbitrarily large, so it would be impossible to have different subroutines to handle each case. Unfortunately, writing the definition of such a subroutine requires some knowledge of arrays, which will not be covered until Chapter 7.
When we get to that chapter, you’ll learn how to write subroutines with a variable number of parameters. For now, we will ignore this complication.
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Introduction to Programming Using Java – David J. Eck
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