Today our discussion is about Wait and Notify of Introduction to Programming Using Java (Chapter 8.5.4 )
Wait and Notify
Threads can interact with each other in other ways besides sharing resources. For example, one thread might produce some sort of result that is needed by another thread.
This imposes some restriction on the order in which the threads can do their computations. If the second thread gets to the point where it needs the result from the first thread, it might have to stop and wait for the result to be produced. Since the second thread can’t continue, it might as well go to sleep. But then there has to be some way to notify the second thread when the result is ready, so that it can wake up and continue its computation.
Java, of course, has a way to do this kind of waiting and notification: It has wait() and notify() methods that are defined as instance methods in class Object and so can be used with any object. The reason why wait() and notify() should be associated with objects is not obvious, so don’t worry about it at this point. It does, at least, make it possible to direct different notifications to a different recipients, depending on which object’s notify() method is called.
The general idea is that when a thread calls a wait() method in some object, that thread goes to sleep until the notify() method in the same object is called. It will have to be called, obviously, by another thread, since the thread that called wait() is sleeping. A typical pattern is that Thread A calls wait() when it needs a result from Thread B, but that result is not yet available.
When Thread B has the result ready, it calls notify(), which will wake Thread A up so that it can use the result. It is not an error to call notify() when no one is waiting; it just has no effect. To implement this, Thread A will execute code simlar to the following, where obj is some object:
while Thread B does something like:
Now, there is a really nasty race condition in this code. The two threads might execute their code in the following order:
- Thread A checks resultIsAvailable() and finds that the result is not ready,so it decides to execute the obj.wait() statement, but before it does,
- Thread B finishes generating the result and calls obj.notify()
- Thread A calls obj.wait() to wait for notification that the result is ready.
In Step 3, Thread A is waiting for a notification that will never come, because notify() has already been called. This is a kind of deadlock that can leave Thread A waiting forever. Obviously, we need some kind of synchronization.
The solution is to enclose both Thread A’s code and Thread B’s code in synchronized statements, and it is very natural to synchronize on the same object, obj, that is used for the calls to wait() and notify(). In fact, since synchronization is almost always needed when wait() and notify() are used, Java makes it an absolute requirement.
In Java, a thread can legally call obj.wait() or obj.notify() only if that thread holds the synchronization lock associated with the object obj. If it does not hold that lock, then an exception is thrown. (The exception is of type IllegalMonitorStateException, which does not require mandatory handling and which is typically not caught.) One further complication is that the wait() method can throw an InterruptedException and so should be called in a try statement that handles the exception.
To make things more definite, lets consider a producer/consumer problem where one thread produces a result that is consumed by another thread. Assume that there is a shared variable named sharedResult that is used to transfer the result from the producer to the consumer. When the result is ready, the producer sets the variable to a non-null value.
The producer can check whether the result is ready by testing whether the value of sharedResult is null. We will use a variable named lock for synchronization. The the code for the producer thread could have the form:
consumer would execute code such as:
The calls to generateTheResult() and useTheResult() are not synchronized, which allows them to run in parallel with other threads that might also synchronize on lock. Since sharedResult is a shared variable, all references to sharedResult should be synchronized, so the references to sharedResult must be inside the synchronized statements. The goal is to do as little as possible (but not less) in synchronized code segments.
If you are uncommonly alert, you might notice something funny: lock.wait() does not finish until lock.notify() is executed, but since both of these methods are called in synchronized statements that synchronize on the same object, shouldn’t it be impossible for both methods to be running at the same time? In fact, lock.wait() is a special case: When the consumer thread calls lock.wait(), it gives up the lock that it holds on the synchronization object, lock.
This gives the producer thread a chance to execute the synchronized(lock) block that contains the lock.notify() statement. After the producer thread exits from this block, the lock is returned to the consumer thread so that it can continue.
The producer/consumer pattern can be generalized and made more useful without making it any more complex. In the general case, multiple results are produced by one or more producer threads and are consumed by one or more consumer threads. Instead of having just one sharedResult object, we keep a list of objects that have been produced but not yet consumed. Producer threads add objects to this list.
Consumer threads remove objects from this list. The only time when a thread is blocked from running is when a consumer thread tries to get a result from the list, and no results are available. It is easy to encapsulate the whole producer/consumer pattern in a class (where I assume that there is a class ResultType that represents the result objects):
For an example of a program that uses a ProducerConsumer class, see This program performs the same task as, but the threads communicate using the producer/consumer pattern instead of with a shared variable.
Going back to our kitchen analogy for a moment, consider a restaurant with several waiters and several cooks. If we look at the flow of customer orders into the kitchen, the waiters “produce” the orders and leave them in a pile. The orders are “consumed” by the cooks; whenever a cook needs a new order to work on, she picks one up from the pile. The pile of orders, or course, plays the role of the list of result objects in the producer/consumer pattern.
Note that the only time that a cook has to wait is when she needs a new order to work on, and there are no orders in the pile. The cook must wait until one of the waiters places an order in the pile. We can complete the analogy by imagining that the waiter rings a bell when he places the order in the pile—ringing the bell is like calling the notify() method to notify the cooks that an order is available.
A final note on notify: It is possible for several threads to be waiting for notification. A call to obj.notify() will wake only one of the threads that is waiting on obj. If you want to wake all threads that are waiting on obj, you can call obj.notifyAll(). And a final note on wait: There is an another version of wait() that takes a number of milliseconds as a parameter.
A thread that calls obj.wait(milliseconds) will wait only up to the specified number of milliseconds for a notification. If a notification doesn’t occur during that period, the thread will wake up and continue without the notification. In practice, this feature is most often used to let a waiting thread wake periodically while it is waiting in order to perform some periodic task, such as causing a message “Waiting for computation to finish” to blink.
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